
Showing posts from August, 2023

Job posted to Hacker News: Etleap (YC W13) Is Hiring a Software Engineer (London – OR – San Francisco)

Etleap (YC W13) Is Hiring a Software Engineer (London – OR – San Francisco) by romming | on Hacker News .

A system to keep cloud-based gamers in sync

Cloud gaming, which involves playing a video game remotely from the cloud, witnessed unprecedented growth during the lockdowns and gaming hardware shortages that occurred during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the burgeoning industry encompasses a $6 billion global market and more than 23 million players worldwide. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A step closer to digitizing the sense of smell: Model describes odors better than human panelists

A main crux of neuroscience is learning how our senses translate light into sight, sound into hearing, food into taste, and texture into touch. Smell is where these sensory relationships get more complex and perplexing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: GoGoGrandparent (YC S16) is hiring a senior/staff back end/full-stack engineer

GoGoGrandparent (YC S16) is hiring a senior/staff back end/full-stack engineer by davidchl | on Hacker News .

An 'introspective' AI finds diversity improves performance

An artificial intelligence with the ability to look inward and fine tune its own neural network performs better when it chooses diversity over lack of diversity, a new study finds. The resulting diverse neural networks were particularly effective at solving complex tasks. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New study could help countries better estimate how much wave energy is in their oceans

The ocean, like a teething toddler, is never still. And both creatures contain shocking amounts of energy. But exactly how much energy surges through our ocean waves is a matter of debate. That uncertainty makes it challenging for countries to weave wave energy into their future climate goals: How can you rely on something you cannot accurately measure? from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Analog and digital: The best of both worlds in one energy-efficient system

We live in an analog world of continuous information flow that is both processed and stored by our brains at the same time, but our devices process information digitally in the form of discrete binary code, breaking the information into little bits (or bites). from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Nissan is reusing the batteries from old Leaf electric vehicles to make portable power sources

Batteries in older Nissan Leaf electric vehicles are getting a new life as portable power sources that can be used to run gadgets on the go or deliver emergency power in disasters. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Mux (YC W16) is hiring a Sr Platform Engineer to work on video infra at scale

Mux (YC W16) is hiring a Sr Platform Engineer to work on video infra at scale by mmcclure | on Hacker News .

Neighbors can influence your decision to buy solar panels, study shows

An EPFL study carried out in Vaud Canton has shed light on the factors that can prompt people to buy solar panels. It found that having neighbors with solar panels plays a significant role, alongside more well-known influences, such as our social circle. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring React Native Engineers

Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring React Native Engineers by ethanyu94 | on Hacker News .

Tiny, shape-shifting robot can squish itself into tight spaces

Coming to a tight spot near you: CLARI, the little, squishable robot that can passively change its shape to squeeze through narrow gaps—with a bit of inspiration from the world of bugs. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Challenge accepted: High-speed AI drone overtakes world-champion drone racers

Remember when IBM's Deep Blue won against Gary Kasparov at chess in 1996, or Google's AlphaGo crushed the top champion Lee Sedol at Go, a much more complex game, in 2016? These competitions where machines prevailed over human champions are key milestones in the history of artificial intelligence. Now a group of researchers from the University of Zurich and Intel has set a new milestone with the first autonomous system capable of beating human champions at a physical sport: drone racing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Innovation paves way for driverless cars, drone fleets and significantly faster broadband

Unparalleled speed, capacity and reliability of new fiber broadband technology, invented by UCL researchers, could provide connectivity needed for applications of the future such as driverless cars and drone fleets. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers design a new way to capture and recycle carbon dioxide from industrial emissions

Carbon capture is a promising method to help slow climate change. With this approach, carbon dioxide (CO2) is trapped before it escapes into the atmosphere, but the process requires a large amount of energy and equipment. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have designed a capture system using an electrochemical cell that can easily grab and release CO2. The device operates at room temperature and requires less energy than conventional, amine-based carbon-capture systems. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: SigNoz (YC W21, Open source Observability tool) hiring DevRel engineers (remote)

SigNoz (YC W21, Open source Observability tool) hiring DevRel engineers (remote) by pranay01 | on Hacker News .

Robotic-assisted dressing system accommodates different poses, body types and garments

Most people take getting dressed for granted. But data from the National Center for Health Statistics reveals that 92% of nursing facility residents and at-home care patients require assistance with dressing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust stock rose by 1.4342%!

SPY is currently priced at 449.11

Tesla Inc stock rose by 7.6878%!

TSLA is currently priced at 257.18 via IFTTT

Job posted to Hacker News: OneSignal (YC S11. Email, SMS, Push Notification Platform) Is Hiring Engineers

OneSignal (YC S11. Email, SMS, Push Notification Platform) Is Hiring Engineers by gdeglin | on Hacker News .

A lightweight wearable device helps users navigate with a tap on the wrist

Scientists at Rice University in Houston, Texas have developed a fabric-based wearable device that "taps" a user's wrist with pressurized air, silently helping them navigate to their destination. The study, published August 29 in the journal Device, demonstrated that users correctly interpreted which direction the device was telling them to go an average of 87% of the time. Since the wearable embeds most of its control system within the fabric itself, using air instead of electronics, it can be built lighter and more compact than existing designs. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Computer scientists develop open-source tool for dramatically speeding up the programming language Python

A team of computer scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, led by Emery Berger, recently unveiled a prize-winning Python profiler called Scalene. Programs written with Python are notoriously slow—up to 60,000 times slower than code written in other programming languages—and Scalene works to efficiently identify exactly where Python is lagging, allowing programmers to troubleshoot and streamline their code for higher performance. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researcher finds inspiration from spider webs and beetles to harvest fresh water from thin air

A team of researchers is designing novel systems to capture water vapor in the air and turn it into liquid. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers develop flexible, multi-layered coloring transparent electrode

A research team led by Dr. Jung-dae Kwon from the Department of Energy & Electronic Materials at the Korea Institute of Materials Science has succeeded in realizing the world's first transparent thin-film solar cell on a flexible substrate that exhibits different reflective colors and does not significantly reduce the solar cell's efficiency. The research results were published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New AI model can alter apparent ages of facial images while retaining identifying features

NYU Tandon School of Engineering researchers developed a new artificial intelligence technique to change a person's apparent age in images while maintaining their unique identifying features, a significant step forward from standard AI models that can make people look younger or older but fail to retain their individual biometric identifiers. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers improve performance of all-solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries

All-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries (ASSLSBs) are considered one of the most promising next-generation energy storage devices for high energy density, high safety, and low cost of sulfur. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Thin panels with inflatable pneumatic cells allow for bending flat structures in desired ways

A trio of materials scientists at Sorbonne Université has developed a new approach to creating types of thin panels that can be transformed into curved, 3D objects without resorting to wrinkling or cutting. In their study, reported in the journal Science, Tian Gao, José Bico, and Benoît Roman were inspired by plant morphing of leaves and petals to create a similar material for use in novel applications. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Advances in AI, chips boost voice recognition

Separate developments in speech recognition technology from IBM and California universities at San Francisco and Berkeley offer promising news for patients suffering from vocal paralysis and speech loss. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Meticulous (YC S21) Is Hiring #3 Engineer to build future of software

Meticulous (YC S21) Is Hiring #3 Engineer to build future of software by Gabriel_h | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Infiuss Health (YC S21) Is Hiring a Data Analyst

Infiuss Health (YC S21) Is Hiring a Data Analyst by Melissa_bime | on Hacker News .

IBM develops a new 64-core mixed-signal in-memory computing chip

For decades, electronics engineers have been trying to develop increasingly advanced devices that can perform complex computations faster and consuming less energy. This has become even more salient after the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning algorithms, which typically have substantial requirements both in terms of data storage and computational load. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

chandrayaan-3 on moon


Job posted to Hacker News: Freshpaint (YC S19) Is Hiring Engineers to Build a HIPAA Compliant Data Platform

Freshpaint (YC S19) Is Hiring Engineers to Build a HIPAA Compliant Data Platform by malisper | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Research Scientists

Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Research Scientists by kanjun | on Hacker News .

Tesla Inc stock rose by 3.7167%!

TSLA is currently priced at 238.59 via IFTTT

Researchers weigh pros and cons of ChatGPT Code Interpreter, await upgrades

While West Virginia University researchers see potential in educational settings for the newest official ChatGPT plugin, called Code Interpreter, they've found limitations for its use by scientists who work with biological data utilizing computational methods to prioritize targeted treatment for cancer and genetic disorders. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Poly (YC S22) |Hiring Founding Platform Engineer|GenAI Design Asset Marketplace

Poly (YC S22) |Hiring Founding Platform Engineer|GenAI Design Asset Marketplace by Samtianlinyang | on Hacker News .

AI scores in the top percentile of creative thinking

Of all the forms of human intellect that one might expect artificial intelligence to emulate, few people would likely place creativity at the top of their list. Creativity is wonderfully mysterious—and frustratingly fleeting. It defines us as human beings—and seemingly defies the cold logic that lies behind the silicon curtain of machines. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Mineralogy meets zero-shot computer vision

Identifying minerals is a complex and time-consuming problem for geologists, often taking anywhere from 30 minutes to several days per sample. Further complicating the situation is the fact that a sufficient portion of minerals remain inadequately researched, leaving us with just a few hundred comprehensively characterized out of the 6,000 currently identified minerals. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Fabrication of p-type 2D single-crystalline transistor arrays with Fermi-level-tuned van der Waals semimetal electrodes

Professor Soon-Yong Kwon in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Semiconductor Materials and Devices Engineering at UNIST, in collaboration with Professor Zonghoon Lee, has embarked on a pioneering research endeavor focusing on the development of high-performance p-type semiconductor devices, utilizing molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2)—a compound renowned for its unique properties. This pioneering technology holds great promise for application in the next-generation complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) industry, where ultrafine technology is crucial. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New framework enables human-robot interaction for broader access to deep sea scientific exploration

Scientific exploration of the deep ocean has largely remained inaccessible to most people because of barriers to access due to infrastructure, training, and physical ability requirements for at-sea oceanographic research. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

AI helps robots manipulate objects with their whole bodies

Imagine you want to carry a large, heavy box up a flight of stairs. You might spread your fingers out and lift that box with both hands, then hold it on top of your forearms and balance it against your chest, using your whole body to manipulate the box. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

TP-Link's Tapo smart bulb found to be vulnerable to hackers

A pair of information security specialists at Universita di Catania, working with a colleague from the University of London, have found four security vulnerabilities in one of TP-Link's most popular smart-bulbs. Davide Bonaventura, Giampaolo Bella and Sergio Esposito have written a paper describing their testing of the smart-bulb and what they found. They have posted it on the arXiv preprint server. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Efficient single-winged aerial robots with reduced energy consumption

Flying robotic systems have already proved to be highly promising for tackling numerous real-world problems, including explorations of remote environments, the delivery of packages in inaccessible sites, and searches for survivors of natural disasters. In recent years, roboticists and computer scientists have introduced a multitude of aerial vehicle designs, each with distinct advantages and features. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Computation model paves the way for more efficient energy systems

About 70% of the energy we use in everyday life is wasted in the form of heat, produced by engines, factories, and electrical devices. However, researchers from EPFL's School of Engineering have made a significant theoretical step forward that could boost sustainable energy generation. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust stock rose by 1.0773%!

SPY is currently priced at 442.87

Tesla Inc stock rose by 1.5738%!

TSLA is currently priced at 236.86 via IFTTT

Soft robotics research offers new route for weaving soft materials into 3D spatial structures

Ever wonder why the most advanced robots always seem to have hard bodies? Why not more pliable ones, like humans have? from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Brain-computer interface enables woman with severe paralysis to speak through digital avatar

Researchers at UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley have developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) that has enabled a woman with severe paralysis from a brainstem stroke to speak through a digital avatar. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers see bias in self-driving software

Autonomous vehicle software used to detect pedestrians is unable to correctly identify dark-skinned individuals as often as those who are light-skinned, according to researchers at King's College in London and Peking University in China. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Aptible (YC S14) Is Hiring Security Compliance Manager and Product-Led Sales Lead

Aptible (YC S14) Is Hiring Security Compliance Manager and Product-Led Sales Lead by fancyremarker | on Hacker News .

Planning algorithm enables high-performance flight for tailsitter aircraft

A tailsitter is a fixed-wing aircraft that takes off and lands vertically (it sits on its tail on the landing pad), and then tilts horizontally for forward flight. Faster and more efficient than quadcopter drones, these versatile aircraft can fly over a large area like an airplane but also hover like a helicopter, making them well-suited for tasks like search-and-rescue or parcel delivery. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Steam condenser coating could save 460 million tons of carbon dioxide annually

If coal and natural gas power generation were 2% more efficient, then every year, there could be 460 million fewer tons of carbon dioxide released and 2 trillion fewer gallons of water used. A recent innovation to the steam cycle used in fossil fuel power generation could achieve this. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Driverless cars are no place to relax, new study shows

Early data on activities that will be unsafe to undertake in automated vehicles has been released. From doing work to watching the world, from social media to resting—preliminary results are in. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Emerge (YC W21) is hiring a lead front end engineer [remote, small team]

Emerge (YC W21) is hiring a lead front end engineer [remote, small team] by jshchnz | on Hacker News .

New platform could boost development of carbon-capturing batteries

Efficient and cheap batteries that can also capture harmful emissions could be right around the corner, thanks to a new system that speeds up the development of catalysts for lithium-CO2 (Li-CO2) batteries. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

IBM reports analog AI chip patterned after human brain

Deep neural networks are generating much of the exciting progress stemming from generative AI. But their architecture relies on a configuration that is a virtual speedbump, ensuring the maximal efficiency can not be obtained. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Tesla Inc stock rose by 7.3275%!

TSLA is currently priced at 231.28 via IFTTT

Predicting portable power: New machine learning model identifies battery charge and health using minimal data

Lithium ion batteries are the go-to power source for many of our favorite devices like cell phones and laptops, and their presence will continue to expand as electric vehicles become the new standard, replacing gasoline-powered cars. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New 'bandit' algorithm uses light for better bets

How does a gambler maximize winnings from a row of slot machines? This is the inspiration for the "multi-armed bandit problem," a common task in reinforcement learning in which "agents" make choices to earn rewards. Recently, an international research team led by Hiroaki Shinkawa at the University of Tokyo developed an extended photonic reinforcement learning scheme that moves from the static bandit problem towards a more challenging dynamic environment. This study was published in Intelligent Computing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Improving EV batteries with real-world driving data

Most electric vehicles are equipped with an electronic brain that manages day-to-day battery performance and safety. This battery management system, or BMS, includes software that uses algorithms to monitor the overall health of the powerful lithium-ion battery pack. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New strategies to minimize voltage losses in ternary organic solar cells

Ternary organic solar cells, in which the photoactive layer is made of three different organic materials, have been found to achieve highly promising power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). While these ternary organic solar cells could have notable advantages over their corresponding binary counterparts, their performance is still adversely impacted by large open-circuit voltage losses. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a macOS Engineer (Remote, UTC ± 3 Hours)

Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a macOS Engineer (Remote, UTC ± 3 Hours) by thomaspaulmann | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Flexport Is Hiring (Though not as much as before)

Flexport Is Hiring (Though not as much as before) by thedogeye | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: PlayHT (YC W23) Is Hiring Senior ML Engineer (Large Language Models)

PlayHT (YC W23) Is Hiring Senior ML Engineer (Large Language Models) by mahmoudfelfel | on Hacker News .

Analysis reveals benefits of hydropower for grid-scale energy storage

Closed-loop pumped storage hydropower systems rank as having the lowest potential to add to the problem of global warming for energy storage when accounting for the full impacts of materials and construction, according to analysis conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). These systems rely on water flowing between two reservoirs to generate and store power. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

US can cut building emissions by up to 91%, saving $100 billion a year in energy-related costs, modeling study shows

The US has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. To accomplish this goal, large cuts in emissions are necessary, especially in high-emission sectors like the building industry. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Research shows zinc-air batteries could be the future of powering electric vehicles

Zinc-air batteries have emerged as a better alternative to lithium in a recent Edith Cowan University (ECU) study into the advancement of sustainable battery systems. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: MixRank (YC S11) Is Hiring Global Remote Software Engineers

MixRank (YC S11) Is Hiring Global Remote Software Engineers by smilliken | on Hacker News .

Lifelike robots and android dogs wow visitors at Beijing robotics fair

Winking, grimacing or nodding their heads, robots mimicked the expressions of visitors at a robot expo in Beijing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New program takes us one step closer to autonomous robots

We've watched the remarkable evolution of robotics over the past decade with models that can walk, talk and make gestures like humans, undertake tasks from moving heavy machinery to delicately manipulating tiny objects, and maintain balance on two or four legs over rough and hostile terrain. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Thicker, denser, better: New electrodes may hold key to advanced batteries

The demand for high-performance batteries, especially for use in electric vehicles, is surging as the world shifts its energy consumption to a more electric-powered system, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and prioritizing climate remediation efforts. To improve battery performance and production, Penn State researchers and collaborators have developed a new fabrication approach that could make for more efficient batteries that maintain energy and power levels. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

An open-source and Python-based platform for the 2D simulation of Robocup soccer

RoboCup is an international annual event designed to showcase advances in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). At this event, different teams of humanoid robots play soccer against each other, from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers unveil a new, economical approach for producing green hydrogen

Researchers at the University of Colorado have developed a new and efficient way to produce green hydrogen or green syngas, a precursor to liquid fuels. The findings could open the door for more sustainable energy use in industries like transportation, steelmaking and ammonia production. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Novel lateral data storage: Two-dimensional ferroelectric semiconductor memory

Traditional memory technologies face limitations in terms of speed, scalability, and power consumption, making them unsuitable for future data-intensive applications. Ferroelectric memory has garnered immense interest in recent years due to its potential for non-volatile storage, enabling data retention even when the power is turned off. The development of two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals material α-In2Se3 has also opened new opportunities for advancing memory technologies. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Tough memory device aims for space missions

Among the many hazards encountered by space probes, exposure to radiation and huge temperature swings pose particular challenges for their electronic circuits. Now KAUST researchers have invented the first ever flash memory device made from gallium oxide, a material that can withstand these harsh conditions far better than conventional electronics. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Firezone (YC W22) is hiring a systems engineer

Firezone (YC W22) is hiring a systems engineer by jamilbk | on Hacker News .

Researchers integrate thin-film pinned photodiode into superior short-wave-infrared imaging sensors

Imec, a research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, has presented the successful integration of a pinned photodiode structure in thin-film image sensors. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers fabricate phase-heterojunction all-inorganic perovskite solar cells with an efficiency above 21.5%

Solar technologies have become increasingly advanced over the years, with the discovery of new photovoltaic materials and designs. While solar cells based on a mixture of organic and inorganic halide perovskite materials have been the topic of numerous research studies and achieved promising performances, these cells are often difficult to fabricate on a large-scale. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Bio-inspired solar devices boost stability, efficiency

Borrowing from cell membranes, the protective barriers around cells in all living organisms, Penn State scientists have developed a new, cost-effective method for creating bio-inspired solar devices that could improve the performance of next-generation solar technology. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Bots are better at CAPTCHA than humans, researchers find

It may be impossible to calculate the time spent and the financial and emotional costs of combating the bad guys lurking around the web, but one thing is for sure: Users and website operators both are getting fed up with all the obstacles they must deal with daily. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers develop method for collecting clean water from fog

In countries such as Peru, Bolivia and Chile, it's not uncommon for people who live in foggy areas to hang up nets to catch droplets of water. The same is true of Morocco and Oman. These droplets then trickle down the mesh and are collected to provide water for drinking, cooking and washing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Q&A: Scientist discusses artificial intelligence beyond the clinic

With the advent of ChatGPT4, the use of artificial intelligence in medicine has absorbed the public's attention, dominated news headlines, and sparked vigorous debates about the promise and peril of medical AI. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A supramolecular organo-ionic electrolyte that can be liquidated for recycling

A team of molecular foundry and energy storage engineers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has developed an electrolyte material for use in solid state batteries that allows for reuse of cathodes at up to 90% capacity. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their electrolyte, how it was made, and how well it has done during testing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Clever coating turns lampshades into indoor air purifiers

Indoor air pollution may have met its match. Today, scientists will report that they have designed catalyst-coated lampshades that transform indoor air pollutants into harmless compounds. The lampshades work with halogen and incandescent light bulbs, and the team is extending the technology so it will also be compatible with LEDs. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

AI models are powerful, but are they biologically plausible?

Artificial neural networks, ubiquitous machine-learning models that can be trained to complete many tasks, are so called because their architecture is inspired by the way biological neurons process information in the human brain. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Seam (YC S20), API for IoT, Is Hiring a Founding PM

Seam (YC S20), API for IoT, Is Hiring a Founding PM by __sy__ | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Metriport (YC S22) Is Hiring

Metriport (YC S22) Is Hiring by celsinga | on Hacker News .

A new bio-inspired solar leaf design with increased harvesting efficiency

New research suggests a new solar energy design, inspired by nature, may pave the way for future renewable energy technologies. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Despite fails, ChatGPT wins showdown against Stack Overflow

In the early 2000s, computer hobbyists could walk into any of nearly 700 Barnes and Noble bookstores and find aisle after aisle filled with manuals on programming, coding, design, the internet and virtually any other topic even remotely related to computing. Scores of magazines supplemented this sanctuary for computer addicts. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Training robotic arms with a hands-off approach

Humans often take their fine motor abilities for granted. Recreating the mechanical precision of the human body is no easy task—one that graduate students in CMU's Mechanical Engineering Department hope to simplify through artificial intelligence. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Government regulation can effectively curb social media dangers

Government legislation to flag and moderate dangerous content on social media can be effective in reducing harm, even on fast-paced platforms such as X (formerly Twitter) new research shows. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring

EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring by jstreebin | on Hacker News .

Self-driving cars can make traffic slower: Study

A new study finds that "connected" vehicles, which share data with each other wirelessly, significantly improve travel time through intersections—but automated vehicles can actually slow down travel time through intersections if they are not connected to each other. The culprit? Safety. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Amazon is rolling out a generative AI feature that summarizes product reviews

Amazon is rolling out a new generative AI feature that summarizes product reviews for customers. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Svix (YC W21) Is Hiring a Founding Account Executive (US Remote)

Svix (YC W21) Is Hiring a Founding Account Executive (US Remote) by tasn | on Hacker News .

Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) where computer models become experts in various tasks by consuming large amounts of data. This is instead of a human explicitly programming this level of expertise. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: GoGoGrandparent (YC S16) is hiring a senior/staff back end/full-stack engineer

GoGoGrandparent (YC S16) is hiring a senior/staff back end/full-stack engineer by davidchl | on Hacker News .

Don't expect quick fixes in 'red-teaming' of AI models. Security was an afterthought

White House officials concerned by AI chatbots' potential for societal harm and the Silicon Valley powerhouses rushing them to market are heavily invested in a three-day competition ending Sunday at the DefCon hacker convention in Las Vegas. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Meticulous (YC S21) Is Hiring #3 Engineer to Build AI for Testing

Meticulous (YC S21) Is Hiring #3 Engineer to Build AI for Testing by Gabriel_h | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Infiuss Health (YC S21) Is Hiring a Project Manager

Infiuss Health (YC S21) Is Hiring a Project Manager by Melissa_bime | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Freshpaint (YC S19) Is Hiring Engineers to Build a HIPAA Compliant Data Platform

Freshpaint (YC S19) Is Hiring Engineers to Build a HIPAA Compliant Data Platform by malisper | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Software Engineers

Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Software Engineers by ethanyu94 | on Hacker News .

An origami-inspired universally deformable module for robotics applications

Modular robots—robotic systems that can adapt their body configuration to change locomotion style or move on different terrains—can be highly advantageous for tackling missions in diverse environments. Over the past decade or so, engineers have developed a wide range of modular robots that rely on different designs and underlying mechanisms. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Skio (Subscriptions for Shopify, ReCharge migrations) is hiring

Skio (Subscriptions for Shopify, ReCharge migrations) is hiring by kennandavison | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Machine Learning Research Engineers

Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Machine Learning Research Engineers by kanjun | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Mux (YC W16) Is Hiring a Director of Engineering for Data/Platform Teams

Mux (YC W16) Is Hiring a Director of Engineering for Data/Platform Teams by mmcclure | on Hacker News .

Foundations seek to advance AI for good—and also protect the world from its threats

While technology experts sound the alarm on the pace of artificial-intelligence development, philanthropists—including long-established foundations and tech billionaires—have been responding with an uptick in grants. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Laylo (YC S20) Is Hiring a Lead Growth Engineer

Laylo (YC S20) Is Hiring a Lead Growth Engineer by amellin794 | on Hacker News .

A new message encryption scheme inspired by the Sudoku puzzle

A novel advance in data security is discussed in the International Journal of Information and Computer Security in which the Japanese puzzle known as Sudoku promises a cryptographic system for text information that works even in situations where computational power is limited. The approach could have applications in devices with constrained computer resources such as radio-frequency identification devices (RFID), medical and health care instruments, remote sensing networks, and smart cards. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Memfault (YC W19) Is Hiring a Data/Back End Engineer

Memfault (YC W19) Is Hiring a Data/Back End Engineer by tyhoff | on Hacker News .

Electrochemical process could boost efficiency of capturing carbon directly from air

A team from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering has invented a device that leverages electrochemistry to increase the efficiency of direct air carbon capture. Their alternative strategy aims to accelerate the widespread adoption of this emerging technology. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Google algorithm found to overlook Spanish speakers in online SNAP ads

A Cornell-led research team has discovered that the algorithm behind Google Ads charged significantly more to deliver online ads to Spanish-speaking people about the benefits of SNAP, formerly known as food stamps. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers discover a potential application of unwanted electronic noise in semiconductors

Random Telegraph Noise (RTN), a type of unwanted electronic noise, has long been a nuisance in electronic systems, causing fluctuations and errors in signal processing. However, a team of researchers from the Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), South Korea has made an intriguing breakthrough that can potentially harness these fluctuations in semiconductors. Led by Professor Lee Young Hee, the team reported that magnetic fluctuations and their gigantic RTN signals can be generated in a vdW-layered semiconductor by introducing vanadium in tungsten diselenide (V-WSe2) as a minute magnetic dopant. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New water-free large-amplitude motion platform can imitate ocean waves

Before pilots take to the real skies, they must first master the virtual ones. Luckily, there is a capability for that: A flight simulator replicates air flight—with all its choppy weather and turbulence—so pilots can practice on safe, solid ground. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A novel motion-capture system with robotic marker that could enhance human-robot interactions

Motion capture (mocap) systems, technologies that can detect and record the movements of humans, animals and objects, are widely used in various settings. For instance, they have been used to shoot movies, to create animations with realistic lip and body movements, in interactive videogame consoles, or even to control robots. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

'No evidence' Facebook harms well-being: global study

There is "no evidence" that the growth in using Facebook led to "widespread psychological harm", the largest independent scientific study on the topic concluded Wednesday, contradicting previous analyses and widespread perceptions. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Aptible (YC S14) Is Hiring: Security Compliance Manager and Product-Led Sales Lead

Aptible (YC S14) Is Hiring: Security Compliance Manager and Product-Led Sales Lead by fancyremarker | on Hacker News .

Taking a global look at dry and alternative water cooling of power plants

Water scarcity and climate change is a threat to energy security, as carbon emission reduction from water and dry cooling of power plants remains a major challenge worldwide. An international collaboration of scientists including Gang He, Ph.D., of Stony Brook University, used global power plant data to demonstrate an integrated water-carbon management framework that bridges the gap to coupling diverse water carbon-mitigation technologies with other methods. Their findings are detailed in a paper published in Nature Water. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Measuring lithium transport in solid-state batteries with lithium isotopes

Lithium-based solid-state batteries have some advantages, such as being less flammable. But they are also much less powerful. This is because the lithium ions in this type of battery have to diffuse through a solid electrolyte, which is a cumbersome process. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

AI bots need consent to use our material, say news groups

Artificial intelligence firms must ask for permission before using copyrighted text and images to generate content, a consortium of news groups said on Wednesday. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Stacking cells in thin layers could result in higher-performance solid-state batteries

As yet, no portable energy storage technology is capable of combining high energy and fast charging with extensive safety. However, a solution could soon see the light of day: at Empa, Yaroslav Romanyuk and his team have developed a prototype solid-state stacked battery that could potentially combine all three benefits. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Climate change is making hydropower less reliable

As drought settled in over the Pacific Northwest this year, some electric utility managers did something unusual: They looked to California for hydropower. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Research shows snoops can decipher keystrokes during Zoom calls

One upon a time we thought the worst things that could happen during a Zoom conference were accidentally leaving the microphone on while cursing out your cat, hearing someone snoring during your stellar summation of your latest project, or standing up to run to the kitchen while forgetting you have no pants on. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A new weapon in the war on robocalls

The latest weapon in the war on robocalls is an automated system capable of analyzing the content of these unsolicited bulk calls to shed light on both the scope of the problem and the type of scams being perpetuated by robocalls. The tool, called SnorCall, is designed to help regulators, phone carriers and other stakeholders better understand and monitor robocall trends—and take action against related criminal activity. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Home-to-airport travel is low-hanging fruit for air transport industry's decarbonization roadmap

Our climate is changing, and airlines are under pressure to reduce emissions from air travel. For many of us, especially in Australia, flying is an essential form of transport, so how can we reduce its environmental impact? Getting to and from the airport is an overlooked aspect of air travel that offers an immediate way to cut total carbon emissions from the trip by a surprisingly large amount. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Parenting a 3-year-old robot

Humans are social creatures and learn from each other, even from a young age. Infants keenly observe their parents, siblings or caregivers. They watch, imitate and replay what they see to learn skills and behaviors. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers introduce a robotic system to manage weeds and monitor crops

Over the past decade, robotic systems have revolutionized numerous sectors, including the agricultural and farming sector. Many tasks that were traditionally performed manually can now be potentially automated, boosting efficiency and reducing the workload of farmers and other agricultural workers. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New model reduces bias and enhances trust in AI decision-making and knowledge organization

University of Waterloo researchers have developed a new explainable artificial intelligence (AI) model to reduce bias and enhance trust and accuracy in machine learning-generated decision-making and knowledge organization. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

PayPal debuts US dollar-backed stablecoin for payments

PayPal on Monday launched a stablecoin digital currency backed by US dollars to be used for transactions at its global online payments platform. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Machine-training workarounds found to yield little advantage

An AI-infused future has tremendous promise in virtually all aspects of our lives from medicine to education, industry to finance. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Building bacteria: Researchers use cyanobacteria to 'grow' stronger sand-based construction materials

Researchers have successfully grown bacterial cells in potential sand-based construction materials, as detailed in a paper published by Research Directions: Biotechnology Design. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Low-income communities in California have more fire-prone overhead power lines and flammable wooden poles

A tree killed in a climate-driven drought snaps and severs a power line. A transformer sparks. A downed live wire ignites a pile of dry leaves. Many of the country's most damaging wildfires, including California's deadly 2018 Camp and Woolsey Fires, Oregon's 2020 Santiam Fire, and Colorado's 2021 Marshall Fire, can be traced back to failure in the electric grid. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A new LMR cathode that minimizes voltage decay in Li-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs), rechargeable batteries that store energy by leveraging the reversible reduction of Li ions, remain among the most widely used battery technologies worldwide. These batteries power a wide range of devices, ranging from smartphones, headphones and PCs to smart appliances and electric vehicles. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Self-supervised AI learns physics to reconstruct microscopic images from holograms

Researchers from the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering have unveiled an artificial intelligence-based model for computational imaging and microscopy without training with experimental objects or real data. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

How machine learning enables computers to think faster and work smarter

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and technology, optimizing computational efficiency is key to breaking new ground. At the International Conference for Machine Learning held July 23–29 in Honolulu, researchers presented a paper exploring whether an algorithm called Ford-Fulkerson—which computes the maximum flow in a network—can work faster by using machine learning. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Exploring the effects of feeding emotional stimuli to large language models

Since the advent of OpenAI's ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have become significantly popular. These models, trained on vast amounts of data, can answer written user queries in strikingly human-like ways, rapidly generating definitions to specific terms, text summaries, context-specific suggestions, diet plans, and much more. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers trick large language models into providing prohibited responses

ChatGPT and Bard may well be key players in the digital revolution currently underway in computing, coding, medicine, education, industry and finance, but they also are capable of easily being tricked into providing subversive data. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a macOS Engineer (Remote, UTC ± 3 Hours)

Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a macOS Engineer (Remote, UTC ± 3 Hours) by thomaspaulmann | on Hacker News .

Study explores the impact of climate change on the supply and demand of wind and solar energy

Over the past few decades, sustainable energy solutions that rely on renewable sources, particularly the sun and wind, have become increasingly advanced and widespread. Many countries worldwide have committed to drastically lowering carbon emissions in the next decade or so, and these technologies will prove crucial in achieving this. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: (Formerly Piepacker) (YC S20) Is Hiring (Formerly Piepacker) (YC S20) Is Hiring by julesT | on Hacker News .

Transformative battery structure surpasses fast charge goals for Li cycling

Current batteries are limited by their required charging time and achievable range. The US Department of Energy (DOE) developed a fast-charge goal of 10 minutes to charge an electric vehicle (EV) battery. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Tesla Inc stock rose by 2.0503%!

TSLA is currently priced at 259.32 via IFTTT

Tennis anyone? Researchers serve up advances in developing motion simulation technology's next generation

Simon Fraser University computing science assistant professor Jason Peng is leading a research team that is raising motion simulation technology to the next level—and using the game of tennis to showcase just how real virtual athletes' moves can be. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

One step closer to lithium metal batteries that function with minimal external pressure

A team of battery researchers led by the University of California San Diego and University of Chicago has developed a new methodology to produce the potentially game-changing thin-film solid-state electrolyte called lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON). The team went on to implement their free-standing version of LiPON film in functional battery tests and found that it promotes a uniformly dense lithium metal electrochemical deposition under zero external pressure, with the aid of internal compressive stress and a gold seeding layer. This work, performed by a team of battery researchers led by the University of California San Diego and University of Chicago, was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology on August 03, 2023. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: PropelAuth (YC W22) Is Hiring Engineers

PropelAuth (YC W22) Is Hiring Engineers by aisrael | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: UpCodes (YC S17) is hiring engineers to automate construction compliance

UpCodes (YC S17) is hiring engineers to automate construction compliance by Old_Thrashbarg | on Hacker News .

Research team develops the fastest neuromorphic, electric double layer transistor

A research team consisting of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and the Tokyo University of Science has developed the fastest electric double layer transistor using a highly ion-conductive ceramic thin film and a diamond thin film. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Robots cause company profits to fall—at least at first

Researchers have found that robots can have a 'U-shaped' effect on profits: causing profit margins to fall at first, before eventually rising again. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Humans unable to detect over a quarter of deepfake speech samples, research shows

New research from UCL has found that humans were only able to detect artificially generated speech 73% of the time, with the same accuracy in both English and Mandarin. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Robotic grippers offer unprecedented combo of strength and delicacy

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a robotic gripping device that is gentle enough to pick up a drop of water, strong enough to pick up a 6.4 kilogram (14.1 pound) weight, dexterous enough to fold a cloth, and precise enough to pick up microfilms that are 20 times thinner than a human hair. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Bitmovin (YC S15) Is Hiring in Austria

Bitmovin (YC S15) Is Hiring in Austria by slederer | on Hacker News .

Fighting fake 'facts' with two little words: A new technique to ground a large language model's answers in reality

Asking ChatGPT for answers comes with a risk—it may offer you entirely made-up "facts" that sound legitimate, as a New York lawyer recently discovered. Despite having been trained on vast amounts of factual data, large language models, or LLMs, are prone to generating false information called hallucinations. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Watsi (YC W13) Is Hiring a Lead Engineer

Watsi (YC W13) Is Hiring a Lead Engineer by chaseadam17 | on Hacker News .

Cracking in lithium-ion batteries speeds up electric vehicle charging, study finds

Rather than being solely detrimental, cracks in the positive electrode of lithium-ion batteries reduce battery charge time, research done at the University of Michigan shows. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Vintage computer that helped launch the Apple empire is being sold at auction

A vintage Apple computer signed by company co-founder Steve Wozniak is being sold at auction. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers highlight ethical issues for developing future AI assistants

Most people use voice assistant technologies like Alexa or Google Assistant for list making and quick weather updates. But imagine if these technologies could do much more—summarize doctor's appointments, remind someone to take their medicines, manage their schedule (knowing which events take priority), and not only read a recipe but also create reminders to shop for ingredients—without the user having to prompt it. If a smart assistant could use artificial intelligence to take away some of the cognitive load for common tasks, it could help older adults preserve their independence and autonomy. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers develop nonflammable electrolyte to prevent thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries

A collaborative research team led by Dr. Minah Lee of the Energy Storage Research Center, Professor Dong-Hwa Seo of KAIST, and Drs. Yong-Jin Kim and Jayeon Baek of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) has developed a nonflammable electrolyte that does not catch fire at room temperature by tailoring the molecular structure of linear organic carbonate to prevent fire and thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Chatbots sometimes make things up. Not everyone thinks AI's hallucination problem is fixable

Spend enough time with ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence chatbots and it doesn't take long for them to spout falsehoods. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: GiveCampus (YC S15) Hiring Rails engineers in education software

GiveCampus (YC S15) Hiring Rails engineers in education software by mkong1 | on Hacker News .