
Showing posts from February, 2023

Taking the moisture out of moisturizers to reduce their carbon footprint and packaging waste

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have developed a new technology that turns beauty products like moisturizer into a dry piece of confetti-like "paper." from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A new AI-based tool to detect DDoS attacks

Cybercriminals are coming up with increasingly savvy ways to disrupt online services, access sensitive data or crash internet user's devices. A cyber-attack that has become very common over the past decades is the so-called Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Predicting city traffic using a machine learning model

A new machine learning model can predict traffic activity in different zones of cities. To do so, a Complexity Science Hub researcher used data from a main car-sharing company in Italy as a proxy for overall city traffic. Understanding how different urban zones interact can help avoid traffic jams, for example, and enable targeted responses of policy makers—such as local expansion of public transportation. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Laudspeaker (YC W21) hiring to build open source customer journey software

Laudspeaker (YC W21) hiring to build open source customer journey software by abe94 | on Hacker News .

Will future computers run on human brain cells?

A "biocomputer" powered by human brain cells could be developed within our lifetime, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers who expect such technology to exponentially expand the capabilities of modern computing and create novel fields of study. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Are our pets leaking information about us?

Pet and animal-related apps are creating cybersecurity risks to their owners, new research has shown. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Study examines AI application to 10 megatrends with GPT-3

A study by the Medical University of Vienna has investigated the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address societal megatrends and analyzed its proposed solutions in dealing with these global challenges. Artificial intelligence can offer understandable insights into the complex and cross-cutting issues of megatrends, and how they could change and benefit in different areas if AI systems are deployed. The findings were currently published in the journal Systems. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Firezone (YC W22) is hiring systems engineers to build zero trust network access

Firezone (YC W22) is hiring systems engineers to build zero trust network access by jamilbk | on Hacker News .

Non-reciprocal acoustoelectric amplifiers for very high frequency sound waves

In recent years, teams of engineers worldwide have been trying to develop acoustic devices based on piezoelectrics (i.e., materials that can produce electricity when mechanical stress is applied to them) integrated with conventional semiconductors. These devices could achieve acoustoelectric effects that could potentially help to improve the performance and reduce the size of radio-frequency electronics. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Corralling ions improves viability of next generation solar cells

Researchers have discovered that channeling ions into defined pathways in perovskite materials improves the stability and operational performance of perovskite solar cells. The finding paves the way for a new generation of lighter, more flexible, and more efficient solar cell technologies suitable for practical use. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A tiny new climbing robot inspired by geckos and inchworms

A tiny robot that could one day help doctors perform surgery was inspired by the incredible gripping ability of geckos and the efficient locomotion of inchworms. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Emerge Career (YC S22) Is Hiring

Emerge Career (YC S22) Is Hiring by gabesaruhashi | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: DreamWorld (YC W21) Is Hiring Unreal Engine Game Developers

DreamWorld (YC W21) Is Hiring Unreal Engine Game Developers by GarrisonBellack | on Hacker News .

Meta unveils more cautious approach to ChatGPT frenzy

Facebook-owner Meta on Friday unveiled its own version of the artificial intelligence behind apps such as ChatGPT, saying it would give access to researchers to find fixes to the technology's potential dangers. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers

Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers by ethanyu94 | on Hacker News .

Materializing international trade of decarbonized hydrogen by optimizing economic and environmental aspects

Hydrogen (H2) has been regarded as a promising alternative energy carrier to replace fossil fuels. It is also important as a future clean energy source to achieve carbon neutrality since it does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2). However, the cost of storing and transporting H2 have been the major challenge for the realization of H2 economy. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Wearable in-sensor reservoir computing for multitask learning via material-algorithm co-design strategy

The human retina not only senses light signals, but also processes them simultaneously by capturing their rich dynamics, thus accelerating the task-dependent learning in the down-stream visual cortex. This synergy of both the retina and the visual cortex has inspired in-sensor multi-task learning. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Flexible e-skin to spur rise of soft machines that feel

A team of scientists has developed electronic skin that could pave the way for soft, flexible robotic devices to assist with surgical procedures or aid people's mobility. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New process fabricates large perovskites faster, with less waste, for the next generation of solar cells

Perovskites, a family of materials with unique electric properties, show promise for use in a variety fields, including next-generation solar cells. A Penn State-led team of scientists created a new process to fabricate large perovskite devices that is more cost- and time-effective than previously possible and that they said may accelerate future materials discovery. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A universal domain adaptation technique for remote sensing image classification

Domain adaptation approaches are techniques designed to improve the performance of computational models in specific target domains. These techniques are particularly valuable for tackling problems for which there is only a limited amount of relevant annotated data and for which training machine learning algorithms is thus particularly challenging. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Testing the use of kombucha to make circuit boards

A small international team of material and computer engineers has tested the possibility of using kombucha to make electronic circuit boards. Their paper, posted on the arXiv pre-print server, describes various methods of printing circuitry onto the dried mats. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

3D printing with bacteria-loaded ink produces bone-like composites

EPFL researchers have published a method for 3D-printing an ink that contains calcium carbonate-producing bacteria. The 3D-printed mineralized bio-composite is unprecedently strong, light, and environmentally friendly, with a range of applications from art to biomedicine. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Using a solidified liquid metal to build 3D flexible electronics

In recent years, engineers and material scientists have been trying to identify particularly promising materials for creating flexible electronics of different shapes and sizes. Ultimately, these electronics could be integrated in wearable devices (e.g., smart watches and medical devices to monitor biological signals), soft robots and other systems. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Simultaneous electricity generation and filtration of wastewater

The purification of various water resources, such as rain, seawater, groundwater, river water, sewage, and wastewater, into potable or usable water is a high-energy process. But what if electricity could be generated during the water purification process? A joint research team has now developed a multifunctional membrane that can simultaneously generate electricity while purifying wastewater into drinking water. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

‘Linoleum’ Review: Rocket Plan

By Jeannette Catsoulis via NYT Critics' Pick

Job posted to Hacker News: Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Engineer Managers

Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Engineer Managers by kanjun | on Hacker News .

Ramping up domestic graphite production could aid the green energy transition

Given the growing importance of graphite in energy storage technologies, a team of Northwestern researchers has conducted a study exploring ways to reduce reliance on imports of the in high-demand mineral, which powers everything from electric vehicles (EVs) to cell phones. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Game on: Sony re-enters VR headset fray

Consumer tech giant Sony is launching a virtual reality (VR) headset for its PlayStation on Wednesday, six and a half years after its last attempt to crack a market that is still struggling to gain a widespread public following. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Microsoft brings Bing chatbot to phones after curbing quirks

Microsoft is ready to take its new Bing chatbot mainstream—less than a week after making major fixes to stop the artificially intelligent search engine from going off the rails. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Study shows VR users in the metaverse can be identified using head and hand motion data

A team of computer scientists from UC Berkeley, RWTH Aachen and Unanimous AI, has found that users moving around virtually in the metaverse can be identified using nothing more than data received from head and hand sensors. The group has been studying privacy issues regarding users engaging with virtual reality ecosystems and has found that makers of VR games can easily identify who is involved by analyzing head and hand motion data. They published a paper on the arXiv preprint server. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

'Metasurfaces' could spark next generation of significantly thinner and cheaper flat screens

Researchers have developed a proof of concept technology that could pave the way for next-generation displays beyond current LCDs and LEDs, enabling screens and electronic devices to become thinner, offer higher resolution and be much more energy efficient. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers create a new etching method to improve smartphone circuit performance

In circuitry, etching is used to remove the deformed layer created during the grinding and polishing of metal components by selective chemical reactions. Now, a research group at Nagoya University in Japan has developed a new method called "wet-like plasma etching" that combines the selectivity of wet etching with the controllability of dry etching. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Texas in position to lead hydrogen energy economy, new report says

Texas' legacy energy economy and geology are ideal for developing a robust hydrogen market, which will play an important role in sustainability, but a successful energy transition also requires a shift in policy and market structure, according to a new report from Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Accelerating the commercialization of solid oxide electrolysis cells that produce green hydrogen

Green hydrogen production technology is absolutely necessary to finally realize the hydrogen economy because unlike gray hydrogen, green hydrogen does not generate large amounts of carbon dioxide in the production process. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

US Census data vulnerable to attack without enhanced privacy measures, shows study

Computer scientists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science have designed a "reconstruction attack" that proves U.S. Census data is vulnerable to exposure and theft. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Wireless technique enables quantum computer to send and receive data without generating too much error-causing heat

Heat causes errors in the qubits that are the building blocks of a quantum computer, so quantum systems are typically kept inside refrigerators that keep the temperature just above absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit). from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

We developed an algorithm to massively improve hydrogen fuel cell imaging and water modeling

We developed an algorithm to massively improve images of hydrogen fuel cells, with future applications in medical scanning. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Svix (YC W21) Is Hiring (Remote) – Enterprise-Ready Webhook Service

Svix (YC W21) Is Hiring (Remote) – Enterprise-Ready Webhook Service by tasn | on Hacker News .

Neuromorphic semiconductor device achieves world's highest handwriting pattern recognition rate

A research team led by Dr. Yong-hun Kim and Dr. Jeong-Dae Kwon has successfully developed the world's first neuromorphic semiconductor device with high-density and high-reliability by developing a thin film of lithium-ion battery materials. They achieved this by producing ultra-thin lithium ions, a key material of lithium-ion batteries that have been in the spotlight recently, and combining it with two-dimensional nano-materials. The research team is from the Surface & Nano Materials Division at the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS). from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers aim to bring humans back into the loop as AI use and misuse rises

Artificial intelligence is dominating headlines—enabling new innovations that drive business performance—yet the negative implications for society are an afterthought. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Development of a self-resonant smart energy harvester

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network based on wireless sensor nodes that provide resources and information. For the long-lasting use of IoT devices, their batteries must be replaced, or a number of power line connections with complex wiring are required. Replacing batteries or connecting long power lines for numerous sensors installed in geographically inaccessible areas is time-consuming, dangerous, and costly. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A robot that can help firefighters during indoor emergencies

Robots could be valuable assistants for most first responders, as they could help them to remotely monitor or intervene in areas that are inaccessible or life-threatening for humans. Firefighters, who are at high risk of getting injured during their missions, would undoubtedly benefit from the assistance of reliable mobile robots. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Product Manager

BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Product Manager by the_economist | on Hacker News .

Facebook-owner Meta to roll out paid subscription

Facebook, the social network that was supposed to stay free "always," and its stablemate Instagram launched on Sunday a paid subscription service, as the advertising-based business model that has long dominated the internet falters. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Patterns (YC S21) is hiring to build the best AI app dev platform

Patterns (YC S21) is hiring to build the best AI app dev platform by cstanley | on Hacker News .

Angry Bing chatbot just mimicking humans, say experts

Microsoft's nascent Bing chatbot turning testy or even threatening is likely because it essentially mimics what it learned from online conversations, analysts and academics said on Friday. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: LineLeap (YC S19) is hiring senior full stack and mobile engineers

LineLeap (YC S19) is hiring senior full stack and mobile engineers by Patrickskelly24 | on Hacker News .

Team develops new way to extract thermal energy from waste heat sources and reuse it via pressure control

A Chinese research team has developed a new concept for extracting thermal energy from low-temperature waste heat sources and reusing it on demand simply by controlling the pressure. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A way to govern ethical use of artificial intelligence without hindering advancement

Texas A&M University School of Public Health researchers are developing a new governance model for ethical guidance and enforcement in the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI). Known as Copyleft AI with Trusted Enforcement, or CAITE, the researchers believe this model will guard against the potential harms of AI without hindering technological advancements. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Electronic metadevices break barriers to ultra-fast communications

EPFL researchers have come up with a new approach to electronics that involves engineering metastructures at the sub-wavelength scale. It could launch the next generation of ultra-fast devices for exchanging massive amounts of data, with applications in 6G communications and beyond. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

ChatGPT able to pass Theory of Mind Test at 9-year-old human level

Michal Kosinski, computational psychologist at Stanford University, has been testing several iterations of the ChatGPT AI chatbot developed by Open AI on its ability to pass the famous Theory of Mind Test. In his paper posted on the arXiv preprint server, Kosinski reports that testing the latest version of ChatGPT found that it passed at the level of the average 9-year-old child. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

How to pull carbon dioxide out of seawater

As carbon dioxide continues to build up in the Earth's atmosphere, research teams around the world have spent years seeking ways to remove the gas efficiently from the air. Meanwhile, the world's number one "sink" for carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is the ocean, which soaks up some 30% to 40% of all of the gas produced by human activities. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New ultrafast water disinfection method is more environmentally friendly

Having safe drinking water is vital for public health, but traditional methods of disinfection cause their own environmental problems. Chlorine is cheap and easy to use in centralized water systems, but at the expense of harmful chemical byproducts. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Engineered wood grows stronger while trapping carbon dioxide

Rice University scientists have figured out a way to engineer wood to trap carbon dioxide through a potentially scalable, energy-efficient process that also makes the material stronger for use in construction. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Cybersecurity defenders are expanding their AI toolbox

Scientists have taken a key step toward harnessing a form of artificial intelligence known as deep reinforcement learning, or DRL, to protect computer networks. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Keeping drivers safe with a road that can melt snow, ice on its own

Slipping and sliding on snowy or icy roads is dangerous. Salt and sand help melt ice or provide traction, but excessive use is bad for the environment. And sometimes, a surprise storm can blow through before these materials can be applied. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Omega have filled microcapsules with a chloride-free salt mixture that's added into asphalt before roads are paved, providing long-term snow melting capabilities in a real-world test. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A large language model that answers philosophical questions

In recent years, computer scientists have been trying to create increasingly advanced dialogue and information systems. The release of ChatGPT and other highly performing language models are demonstrating just how far artificial intelligence can go in answering user questions, writing texts and conversing with humans. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Bionic fingers create 3D maps of human tissue, electronics and other complex objects

What if, instead of using X-rays or ultrasound, we could use touch to image the insides of human bodies and electronic devices? In a study published in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science on February 15, researchers present a bionic finger that can create 3D maps of the internal shapes and textures of complex objects by touching their exterior surface. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A new way to encode and generate Super Mario Bros levels

A team of computer programmers at IT University of Copenhagen has developed a new way to encode and generate Super Mario Bros. levels—called MarioGPT, the new approach is based on the language model GPT-2. The group outlines their work and the means by which others can use their system in a paper on the arXiv pre-print server. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Human writer or AI? Scholars build a detection tool

The launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT, with its remarkably coherent responses to questions or prompts, catapulted large language models (LLMs) and their capabilities into the public consciousness. Headlines captured both excitement and cause for concern: Can it write a cover letter? Allow people to communicate in a new language? Help students cheat on a test? Influence voters across social media? Put writers out of a job? from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

'Lego-like' universal connector makes assembling stretchable devices a snap

An international team led by researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed a universal connector to assemble stretchable devices simply and quickly, in a "Lego-like" manner. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Deep-learning tool boosts X-ray imaging resolution and hydrogen fuel cell performance

Researchers from UNSW Sydney have developed an algorithm that produces high-resolution modeled images from lower-resolution micro X-ray computerized tomography (CT). from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Regret being hostile online? AI tool guides users away from vitriol

To help identify when tense online debates are inching toward irredeemable meltdown, Cornell researchers have developed an artificial intelligence tool that can track these conversations in real-time, detect when tensions are escalating and nudge users away from using incendiary language. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

How to make hydrogen straight from seawater, with no desalination required

Researchers have developed a cheaper and more energy-efficient way to make hydrogen directly from seawater, in a critical step towards a truly viable green hydrogen industry. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Study finds only about half of AI-generated ads are labeled as such

While you've been online today, chances are you've seen an AI-generated ad, likely without knowing it. A University of Kansas study has analyzed more than 1,000 AI-generated ads from across the web and found that they are only labeled as ads about half the time—and that they intentionally appeal to consumers in positive ways to influence them. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

A bat-inspired framework to equip robots with sound-based localization and mapping capabilities

Bats have the innate ability to move around in the dark, even when they cannot visually perceive their surroundings. This fascinating ability is grounded in their emission of ultrasonic chirps, which produce unique patterns of echoes that offer information about the location of nearby objects of interest or obstacles. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

3D-printed smart contact lens with navigation function

Dr. Seol Seung-Kwon's Smart 3D Printing Research Team at KERI and Professor Lim-Doo Jeong's team at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) developed core technology for smart contact lenses that can implement augmented reality (AR)-based navigation, with a 3D printing process. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Zentail (YC S12) Is Hiring a Sr Software Engineer in Columbia, MD (Series A)

Zentail (YC S12) Is Hiring a Sr Software Engineer in Columbia, MD (Series A) by dsugarman | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: TrueVault Is Hiring Our Head of Engineering

TrueVault Is Hiring Our Head of Engineering by jason_wang | on Hacker News .

Efficient technique improves machine-learning models' reliability

Powerful machine-learning models are being used to help people tackle tough problems such as identifying disease in medical images or detecting road obstacles for autonomous vehicles. But machine-learning models can make mistakes, so in high-stakes settings it's critical that humans know when to trust a model's predictions. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Scientific AI's 'black box' is no match for 200-year-old method

One of the oldest tools in computational physics—a 200-year-old mathematical technique known as Fourier analysis—can reveal crucial information about how a form of artificial intelligence called a deep neural network learns to perform tasks involving complex physics like climate and turbulence modeling, according to a new study. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Researchers design a new efficient automated garage system

Advances in the field of robotics and computer science have led to the creation of various automated systems aimed at simplifying everyday tasks. In urban and largely populated areas, these systems could also help to increase efficiency, reduce congestion and improve organization. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Mechanical engineering meets electromagnetics to enable future technology

Reconfigurable antennas—those that can tune properties like frequency or radiation beams in real time, from afar—are integral to future communication network systems, like 6G. But many current reconfigurable antenna designs can fall short: they dysfunction in high or low temperatures, have power limitations or require regular servicing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Skio (YC S20) Is Hiring

Skio (YC S20) Is Hiring by kennandavison | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: SafeButler (YC S17) Is Hiring Business Development

SafeButler (YC S17) Is Hiring Business Development by eastdark | on Hacker News .

Quantum tunneling to boost memory consolidation in AI

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have made tremendous progress in the past few years including the recent launch of ChatGPT and art generators, but one thing that is still outstanding is an energy-efficient way to generate and store long- and short-term memories at a form factor that is comparable to a human brain. A team of researchers in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis has developed an energy-efficient way to consolidate long-term memories on a tiny chip. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Sensors built into wearable patches could signal the future

New research involving a Northumbria University Professor has developed a wearable sensor capable of wirelessly transmitting information via acoustic waves through air and water. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Charge Robotics (YC S21) is hiring meches to build robots that build solar farms

Charge Robotics (YC S21) is hiring meches to build robots that build solar farms by justicz | on Hacker News .

ChatGPT takes on the tough US medical licensing exam

Dr. ChatGPT will see you soon. The artificial intelligence system scored passing or near passing results on the US medical licensing exam, according to a study published on Thursday. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New superalloy could cut carbon emissions from power plants

As the world looks for ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions, researchers from Sandia National Laboratories have shown that a new 3D-printed superalloy could help power plants generate more electricity while producing less carbon. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Research reveals thermal instability of solar cells but offers a bright path forward

A new type of solar technology has seemed promising in recent years. Halide perovskite solar cells are both high performing and low cost for producing electrical energy—two necessary ingredients for any successful solar technology of the future. But new solar cell materials should also match the stability of silicon-based solar cells, which boast more than 25 years of reliability. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Biogas produced with waste from apple juice production can minimize use of fossil fuels in industry

Scientists at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the Federal University of the ABC (UFABC) in São Paulo state, Brazil, have successfully produced biogas from apple pomace, the pulpy residue remaining after the fruit has been crushed to extract its juice. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Tidal stream power can significantly enhance energy security

Adopting tidal power alongside other forms of renewable energy can significantly enhance energy security and go some way to enabling communities to fulfill their clean energy ambitions, a new study has shown. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Padlet Is Hiring to Build Software for a Good Education

Padlet Is Hiring to Build Software for a Good Education by coffeebite | on Hacker News .

Creating 3D objects with sound

Scientists from the Micro, Nano and Molecular Systems Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials at Heidelberg University have created a new technology to assemble matter in 3D. Their concept uses multiple acoustic holograms to generate pressure fields with which solid particles, gel beads and even biological cells can be printed. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Engineering Managers

Generally Intelligent (YC S17) Is Hiring Engineering Managers by kanjun | on Hacker News .

Solar-powered gel filters enough clean water to meet daily needs

Worldwide, over two billion people lack reliable access to clean water. And one potential solution for meeting that need works a lot like a sponge, soaking up clean water while leaving contaminants behind. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Microstructure and defect engineering improves performance of lithium-ion batteries

A new North Carolina State University study, performed in collaboration with battery testing researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, shows that extremely short pulses from a high-powered laser can cause tiny defects in lithium-ion battery materials—defects that can enhance battery performance. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Algorithms that adjust for worker race, gender still show biases

Even after algorithms are adjusted for overt hiring discrimination, they may show a subtler kind: preferring workers who mirror dominant groups, according to a new study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Professor demonstrates novel control method in aircraft with no tail

A research team at Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech), led by Professor David Williams, has for the first time demonstrated the use of a novel control method in an aircraft with no tail. The technology allows an aircraft to be as smooth and sleek as possible, making it safer to fly in dangerous areas where radar scans the sky for sharp edges. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring

EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring by jstreebin | on Hacker News .

Blending hydrogen with natural gas could help fuel energy transition

Burning a blend of hydrogen and natural gas to heat our homes could save as much as 5% on carbon emissions without changing existing infrastructure, says a University of Alberta expert in hydrogen energy. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Microsoft bakes ChatGPT-like tech into search engine Bing

Microsoft is fusing ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing, transforming an internet service that now trails far behind Google into a new way of communicating with artificial intelligence. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Deep learning-assisted visual sensing to detect overcrowding in COVID-19 infected cities

Crowded places tend to be a hub for infectious disease transmission. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that it is necessary to find ways to manage crowded areas to help curtail the spread of infectious diseases. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as drones, can detect and record environmental conditions at different heights above the ground in real-time. This makes them ideal for detecting overcrowding and abnormal crowd behaviors, such as riots. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Jerry (YC S17) Is Hiring Sr / Staff Software Engineer (中国远程)

Jerry (YC S17) Is Hiring Sr / Staff Software Engineer (中国远程) by linaz | on Hacker News .

A faster, more accurate 3D modeling tool recreates a landscape's digital twin down to the pixel level

Concordia researchers have developed a new technique that can help create high-quality, accurate 3D models of large-scale landscapes—essentially, digital replicas of the real world. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

New tool brings the benefits of AI programming to decision-making under uncertainty

One reason deep learning exploded over the last decade was the availability of programming languages that could automate the math—college-level calculus—that is needed to train each new model. Neural networks are trained by tuning their parameters to try to maximize a score that can be rapidly calculated for training data. The equations used to adjust the parameters in each tuning step used to be derived painstakingly by hand. Deep learning platforms use a method called automatic differentiation to calculate the adjustments automatically. This allowed researchers to rapidly explore a huge space of models, and find the ones that really worked, without needing to know the underlying math. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Study shows how large language models like GPT-3 can learn a new task from just a few examples

Large language models like OpenAI's GPT-3 are massive neural networks that can generate human-like text, from poetry to programming code. Trained using troves of internet data, these machine-learning models take a small bit of input text and then predict the text that is likely to come next. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: PhotoRoom (YC S20) Is Hiring a Fullstack Engineer (Generative AI API) in Paris

PhotoRoom (YC S20) Is Hiring a Fullstack Engineer (Generative AI API) in Paris by ea016 | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Relationship Hero (YC S17) Is Hiring Sales Associates (Remote)

Relationship Hero (YC S17) Is Hiring Sales Associates (Remote) by Liron | on Hacker News .

Google to release ChatGPT-like bot named Bard

Google said Monday it will release a conversational chatbot named Bard, launching a rivalry with Microsoft that has invested billions of dollars in the creators of ChatGPT, a language AI app that convincingly mimics human writing. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Novel system prevents personal metadata leakage from online behavior for privacy protection

Privacy preservation is the most challenging issue for data collection. Even if the data is encrypted, metadata, such as users' online behavior, may lead to identity exposure. A research team from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) recently developed a metadata-hiding analytic system, called Vizard, which enables data owners to securely define their data authorization and control who can use their data, providing potential applications in various sectors, such as precision medical research. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Towards an interactive cyber-physical human platform to generate contact-rich whole-body motions

Humans naturally perform numerous complex tasks. These include sitting down, picking something up from a table, and pushing a cart. These activities involve various movements and require multiple contacts, which makes it difficult to program robots to perform them. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Nanoscale ferroelectric semiconductor could power AI and post-Moore's Law computing on a phone

Ferroelectric semiconductors are contenders for bridging mainstream computing with next generation architectures, and now a team at the University of Michigan has made them just five nanometers thick—a span of just 50 or so atoms. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Exploring GPT-3's 'artificial intelligence' from a psychologist's point of view

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen have examined the general intelligence of the language model GPT-3, a powerful AI tool. Using psychological tests, they studied competencies such as causal reasoning and deliberation, and compared the results with the abilities of humans. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Engineers devise a modular system to produce efficient, scalable aquabots

Underwater structures that can change their shapes dynamically, the way fish do, push through water much more efficiently than conventional rigid hulls. But constructing deformable devices that can change the curve of their body shapes while maintaining a smooth profile is a long and difficult process. MIT's RoboTuna, for example, was composed of about 3,000 different parts and took about two years to design and build. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Attitudes toward green energy could be negatively affected by fracking debate

Public attitudes towards some new low-carbon technologies could be negatively influenced by the fracking debate, new research from Cardiff University suggests. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Growth Associate

BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Growth Associate by the_economist | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: OneSignal (YC S11) Is Hiring Engineers

OneSignal (YC S11) Is Hiring Engineers by gdeglin | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Emerge (YC W21) is hiring engineers to build the future of mobile development

Emerge (YC W21) is hiring engineers to build the future of mobile development by jshchnz | on Hacker News .

UK mega-lab generates weather to test homes of future

The thermometer sinks below zero as a blizzard of fine snow descends on two houses freshly built inside a massive laboratory in northern England. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Patterns (YC S21) is hiring to build the best AI app dev platform

Patterns (YC S21) is hiring to build the best AI app dev platform by cstanley | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Bitmovin (YC S15) Is Hiring in Vienna (Austria)

Bitmovin (YC S15) Is Hiring in Vienna (Austria) by slederer | on Hacker News .

Piloting drones reliably with mobile communication technology

Drones are operating increasingly in areas out of sight of the person controlling them. However, conventional remote controls have a limited range, which makes them unsuitable for these flights. On the other hand, simple mobile network-based systems have so far been unable to guarantee a reliable connection when mobile network loads are high or where there is a lack of network coverage. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI have joined forces with partners in the SUCOM project to develop a new mobile network system that can be used to control drones even over long distances and over difficult terrain. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Agave (YC W22) – Founding Dev – 1-3 Yrs Exp. – Full-Time – On-Site (SF)

Agave (YC W22) – Founding Dev – 1-3 Yrs Exp. – Full-Time – On-Site (SF) by blizz11 | on Hacker News .

Job posted to Hacker News: Paperspace (YC W15) Is Hiring an Engineering Manager – AI Cloud

Paperspace (YC W15) Is Hiring an Engineering Manager – AI Cloud by dkobran | on Hacker News .

How do you create buildings that can withstand the most extreme stress loads?

Combined ballistic impacts pose a major challenge for engineers who build structures that must withstand extreme stresses. The combination of blast pressure and impact at high speed increases the chances of greater damage. Ph.D. candidate Benjamin Stavnar Elveli describes it as the scariest stress there is. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

‘Una Vita Difficile’ Review: Life Comes at You Fast

By A.O. Scott via NYT Critics' Pick

How robots can regain the trust of humans after making mistakes

Humans are less forgiving of robots after multiple mistakes—and the trust is difficult to get back, according to a new University of Michigan study. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Sea creatures inspire marine robots engineered to operate in extraterrestrial oceans

Scientists at the University of Bristol have drawn on the design and life of a mysterious zooplankton to develop underwater robots. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: Dashworks (YC W20) Is Hiring a Full-Stack Product Engineer

Dashworks (YC W20) Is Hiring a Full-Stack Product Engineer by praty | on Hacker News .

‘Full Time’ Review: No Rest for the Working Girl

By Beatrice Loayza via NYT Critics' Pick

S&P 500 ETF TRUST ETF stock rose by 1.0628%!

SPY is currently priced at 410.8

Performing matrix multiplications at the speed of light for enhanced cybersecurity

"All things are numbers," avowed Pythagoras. Today, 25 centuries later, algebra and mathematics are everywhere in our lives, whether we see them or not. The Cambrian-like explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) brought numbers even closer to us all, since technological evolution allows for parallel processing of a vast amounts of operations. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Google has the next move as Microsoft embraces OpenAI buzz

Before the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT was unleashed into the world, the novelist Robin Sloan was testing a similar AI writing assistant built by researchers at Google. from Tech Xplore - electronic gadgets, technology advances and research news

Job posted to Hacker News: YC is hiring a product engineer to work on co-founder matching (SF/remote, US)

YC is hiring a product engineer to work on co-founder matching (SF/remote, US) by snowmaker | on Hacker News .